Platform: Any
Prep Time: About 10 minutes, and a day's soak time.
This is the first of a couple of recipes submitted for our contest by Cygninae of wow_ladies for our contest! All the recipes she submitted sound deeelicious but I laughed my butt off when I read the alternate name for this one, so I'm posting this one first. This recipe is very simple, alcoholic, and easy to eat.
- 1 bottle "average" red wine
- Sugar to taste
- About a pound of strawberries, washed, hulled, and cut in half
- Heat red wine in a pan, not to boiling, and add sugar to taste.
- Add as many strawberries as you can fit into the pan, and turn off the heat, so the strawberries soak up the wine and sugar mixture.
- Let the strawberries soak up the wine mixture overnight for maximum potency.
- Can be served in a bowl or a nice glass (poster note: hell, or straight out of the pan :D ) but beware, these are some POTENT strawberries!
This recipe doesn't require anything special in the way of tools, and if made with kosher wine, is kosher. Also, I believe this counts as vegetarian. It is alcoholic in nature and should not be fed to minors.
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